Thanks for visiting my site! Hypnosis is such wonderfully profound work that it still surprises me to see some people being tentative about it. The benefits of a hypnotherapy session can range from simply finding relief and rest from the stresses of the day to uncovering amazing pieces of wisdom from deep inside yourself. And everywhere in between, actually.
And while it’s been made fun of countless times on TV or stage, none of those caricatures accurately reflects the reality. Hypnosis is not something that strips you of your self-control. It’s not a “spell” or other-worldly power that someone gains over you. No one can do anything to you in hypnosis that you don’t agree to.
Rather, hypnosis is a safe and reliable way to create a more satisfying life. Habit control or elimination, higher performance, relief from anxiety, recognizing your purpose—all of it is easily attained through hypnosis.
Even in the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, most people are still aware of their conscious selves. It doesn’t feel like sleep. It doesn’t feel like you’re unconscious. It just feels restful, effortless…and very real. True, there is a very small percentage of people—called somnambulists—who enter a state of hypnosis so deep that they don’t remember anything about their session. But that’s very rare. Most people not only retain their consciousness during the session, they also later remember most or all of what happened. (Further, Inner Answers records your session for later reference, so you have a record of what occurred.)
Why not schedule a session now with Inner Answers? I have a number of options depending on your goals and interest. All sessions can be done remotely, as well as in person, so distance isn’t a problem.