Just as states begin to reopen in response to the flattening of COVID cases, rioting shakes our world, and so many are left wondering what on earth they need to do to stabilize, to put things back together. You might be asking one of these questions right now: What will happen with my job? How can I take care of my family? How will I live?
First of all, know that even though nothing will go “back” together in the way that it had been, you—all of us—will find our way! From this point on, everything is changing: how we work and play, how we communicate, what we think about the structures that support us. It’s a strange world to be living in right now, this time of total redefinition, but know that you have the resources to let these times motivate you to find yourself anew. And the sooner you put effort into finding those solutions the sooner you’ll feel calmer and more confident of your options.
How do you know where to start? Consider hypnotherapy! In these times, speed is our friend, and hypnosis is a fast and effective way to easily, naturally, make changes in your thoughts and behavior, and to gain new information that opens your eyes to the magnificent possibilities rolling out in front of you.
Magnificent possibilities, you say? Yes, right now, in the midst of all this chaos and uncertainty, the Divine, the Universe, still has a plan for you. And you can easily know more about that plan, using hypnosis. With hypnosis, you can expand your understanding, coming up with solutions that enhance your current thinking to address both the practical issues in your life right now and those inner questions you have.
You’re an important part of this planet’s evolution, just by the mere fact that you are here. You’re needed. That was not an accident. Sooner or later, you’ll feel the truth of that so deeply inside you that you’ll want to know more. Maybe that day is today, because if there was ever a time to take advantage of all your options, it may be now.
So imagine, if you can, that this time of upheaval is your time to fly! Imagine that the bonds that have held you back are finally released, giving you the permission to snap forward at lightning speed. To see a new way. To take care of yourself and those you love in the ways that you want and need to. Imagine, if you can, that the limits that have tripped you up begin to shift out of the way, letting you experience freedom and the peace of knowing you’re marching to a new drum. The drumbeat that matches the rhythm of your own soul.
These are important times, and if you wish to find the sense of inner peace and confidence to move forward that starts with a hypnosis session, I invite you to visit the Inner Answers website. If you have any questions about the process, I’m happy to spend a few minutes on the phone with you. Simply email me to set up a time. Note that all sessions can be done remotely, regardless of your location.
And please feel free to respond to this message, or to pass it along to someone you know who may find it helpful. I love hearing your thoughts. ~ JoAnn
P.S. Hypnosis gives you a big advantage for physical issues, too: pain relief, habit control, anxiety relief, smoking cessation, weight management, and much, much more.